
Oh hello!! Wasn't yesterday... Well, everything goes so fast and now it's november.. Feels good and sad - it's almost the last month of this year!! Sick? Not a little bit...
And today? I got a break for a week from school and that means sleep longer (but I'm going up early anyway-.-) and be with friends!! Likey like.


Ooops. My life came in front of blogging. Even do I don't have a life:P. Well what's happening now? Study, I wish, but playing games on the net is to attractive, so.. I took that. SAD! I have a test tomorrow. Well, great I'm a nerd.

i'm only asking you, please!

I LOVE YOU doesn't mean I say so because I feel good after. I don't say so because I would be a better person after that. It actually haven't anything to do with me. It's about a person who fill my days with laugh, smiles and hugs. A person who make me happy when I'm sad. The person is you, and when I say I LOVE YOU it comes right from my heart to you. It only came for you.
- me writin'

2 months for CRISTMAS EVE!!!!!!! tagga - as we say in sweden.

på svenska.

Åh fyfan. Jag är så jävla trött på alla. På allt. Utom min livsglädje vilket är en sport. Som ändå förstörs, av alla dessa människor som kallas ''vänner''. Det är så jävla enkelt att skriva ''jag finns alltid för dig osv osv osv'' men vad fan är det för mening att skriva det och dra en vit lögn rakt i ansiktet när man redan mår dåligt? För vem av dom finns verkligen? VEM? Ingen, nej ingen.. Dom bara tänker på sig själva och hur deras jävla liv ska se ut. VILL NI HA DET PERFEKT ELLER? Här ta en barbie, det är bara att börja.

god i'm on my way.

OH! Days like this when I feel like crap I just want to fly away. And why doesen't I have wings? It's just a punsihment... I swear.
And I got friends, but where in hell are they? Well I know... I only excist when they need me!

nearly embarrissing to talk.

HOLyyy. This is the first time I'm able to blogging today. I woke up around 10.00 AM. Greeeeeat!! Then, like 10 minutes after, we where going to my grands. And after that I biked to my dad. And now I'm here! Now can I breath :).
Today is my plans ok. Think I'm going to meet a girl named Frida. It's been a while since I met her last. Well great.
Have a nice day beautyyys.


Det mest underbara måste ju vara när man blir lämnad av alla, samtidigt

secrets you don't know, obviously.

- I write everything here on the blog by myself, unless I write where it comes from.
- I loooveee being alone, and think.
- Doing homework is not so bad.. ;)
- Things change, so do we, but not my length and shoe size.. bad!
- I cry at least 3 times a week, much? aha.
- I get mad at everything sometimes, LOL that isn't funny...
- Weeell, yesterday I was chased by a white Audi.... :(
- HATE when class is ennoying and the teacher gets mad at everyone, even the quiet ones.. (me..)
- You only got to loooove swedish music, in english and swedish - yeeeeaaah.
- Then it's comes a song on myy sppotify that really reminds me of a person, that made me happy den just left me. I have to see him every single day..
- Now are all my friends mad, don't know why.... well I'm happy!
- I'm jealous.
- I'm jealous.
- I'm jealous.
- I'm jealous.
- I'm jealous.
- Just because of him. And he isn't careeeeee.

i wish you saw this, beauty.

I can't put all my feelings togehter anymore..
I see you everyday and you look better everyday. And I can see that you sees me, but it's not like it used to be.
You made my days for weeks.
I loved thoses hugs, your smell, your voice.. you.

Oh I red our texts for a couple of minutes ago, that was stupid.
I really hope you soon understands me...
When I see you it feels like my eyes shine like sun, my mouth smiles even do I don't want to show it
and my heart goes dubble..
God! I don't even have words more.
I miss you, sötnos that we called eachother.. damn

my heart stopped, then beated dubble..

Hey you there
Because I saw you it comes a smile over here
Thank you.

couldn't see you.

FRIDAY! Well, everybody on facebook should know that now... everyone does a status on that.
Anyway.. School was okey I think, now I have weekend for today and two more days! LIKE IT.
But hey, everyone does? Thought so.
And for today, I'm going to meet my friends, cool, and we probably going on cinema for a movie. Like usually.

love you guys, even if you aren't many..... weeeell, life is calling!

try to be quiet.

MUSIC can be the most wonderful in life. But SILENCE can bring us back to life.

things make us cry, cry makes strenght.

My parents is divorced.
My brother have some kind of disease, which makes him crazZZzzZzy. (in a bad way)
My friends don't care about my feelings.
My homeworks and school is really taking over my life.
My bestfriend is gone now.
Do you know what? - I just have to be an egoist and think that everything is just about me.
If they don't care and have other things to do, well right.
Do I care? No.
Then I can do the same thing, put everything aside and it's me and my life that matter.
Life is calling!! bye.

some information.

Hej alla (inga..) läsare. Jag bor i Sverige men jag kommer blogga på engelska, för det känns mindre personligt. Hope you understand! Jag kommer inte nämna mitt namn för jag kommer prata om problem osv. vilket är privat! Så ni som nu kommer läsa den här bloggen, hoppas ni förstår.

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